His life was a desperate mode birsiraheki puryaidine events of that day, perhaps, so when their currency was happy salbalaeko. People can not carry the burden of pain, lest muskuraunai, smile, even if it is not full of natural colors. Young female border Pasupatinath the day tuition was studying. Sangeeta came and struck the limit of acid. By this time he had a dream in the near future the only right-SLC have to bring a good number. However, the incident changed his all. Acid both face severely damage him. But then, everyone could see the face of the damage, the psychological damage could not see, nor was it possible for common pilgrims to the fulfillment of the target .Friends Sangeeta was attacked by acid. However, she is sangitasamgai Basnet was also a victim. Then the boundaries of your life has had mahusasa. Bharkharasamma happy faces seen in the boundaries of the incident lost samjhanasatha happy. "Now that my life was finished, but the hospital found the SLC day 'borders and said,' Out of all my seemingly happy to have returned, but when I remember that incident, I tried to come inside are all happy to disappear. '
Then he sat on the hospital for 37 days for treatment, and the hospital gave the SLC test. 62 per cent passed her SLC bring. Now he has the passage of lawmakers Nobel College 11 class. SLC test in the hospital and said to limit the meantime, many of them high-ranking person found land. Love, courage, knowing he was today returned to her normal life. A year later, he is now the condition of acid required her, she's doing? Sabdama his own life had changed so that the day when I am more than happy that appear to have forgotten. When the event comes to mind, others urge dekhinegari by virtue of my face changed. For me it was a black day. Today-Tomorrow Jiu sometimes to remember is that sirinnaga. I was reading how to make your future better. However, the recipient me thunderbolt. My reading was good. The last stage was to give the SLC tyahibela khepnuuparyo physical and mental pain. Parents and other people hausalale SLC ochyanabatai I gave the hospital. Has 62 per cent. I think, if the event had not been attending at least 80 percent.
At that time, I dream to be a singer was carried. Song grade gauthem friend. The program also gauthem school song. That incident changed her purpose, I am interested in politics is now a desire for me to politics. Now I am understanding, our society is very backward orientation. Poverty and asiksale had several problems arise. Therefore, politics and society to build a capable and justice, the fight for the rights of all who are planning to have. It is the first complete his studies. Now I am studying in class 11 lawmakers Nobel College. Plus to read after political. Acid incident, I met many politicians. Many student leaders were also met. I returned to the hospital, and hospital, especially when supported me ANNFSU student leaders. Nabin dd, including all of the elders has given me courage. They have uniforms I am inspired by the events of my life is completely changed jindagiko new turning point. What happened to not delete it, as I try to forget, but the incident jarred life. Now look, come to life duuhkhada event. But, whatever duuhkhabata also realize uthnupardo. The incident was brought anguish to himself. However, the outcome of live worm also came in together. Following the incident, I had the opportunity to know some new feel. Now, many have found an emotional and moral. Many also perceive sahanuubhuti. Many care. Paving the way many people darsaunuuhuncha sympathy. Photo khicauna like to encourage you to talk. When this happens, we feel happy. The college also has upped me free. Life, and show some courage that is all good, even though sometimes increased heart is overwhelmed. Recalling the incident can not take care of yourself. Our family is too weak economically. Father listening to the work of the store security guard. It is very difficult to stay in Kathmandu. I shall now monthly three thousand medicine. The same is struggling to earn money for us. Mother Care, says you yearn to carry out many returning home was the best place, but it is difficult to think now. It had to marry that boy does not care about that. I explain to my mother. Since many organizations and individuals who support the latest incident was said. But the event also have not had any support waned as the commitment of why these events take place? This duuhkhada event. Such a phenomenon is to reduce the culprit. He punished. This incident Acid Attack (BK Life) to get the statement also read. How true it is, I do not know. But, I said buujhem, poor country, where discrimination, poverty and illiteracy, there raichan such events occur. Of course, as rich countries are also taking new crime. However, such incidents declined by society and the state is to blame, it looks like. This man should be aware of all of society.
भिडियो सहित हेर्नुहोस !
How life has changed Basnet woman standing by acid range of income
Reviewed by z
2:03 AM
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