Purchase the highest liability limit you can most readily afford. Skimping on the amount of your auto insurance liability can truly be "penny wise and pound foolish"! The difference in cost between $ 100,000 and $ 300,000 liability limits may not be very much. When faced with a serious auto accident everyone wants to have adequate or higher liability limits. We can offer you a quote at a variety of limits.
Purchase your physical damage coverage deductibles, which is damage to your car, at an amount you are readily able to pay in the event of an accident, but check alternatives to see how much premium savings there may be for taking different deductible amounts.
Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist coverage is a very important part of your auto insurance. This coverage protects you and your family for injuries sustained in an auto accident that is caused by someone who either has no insurance (uninsured motorist) or has insurance limits that are lower than those that you carry (underinsured motorist). You should maintain uninsured and underinsured motorist liability insurance limits equal to your bodily injury and property damage liability limits.
Lease / Loan Gap or "Gap" Insurance. This will pay the difference between what your car is worth if it is stolen or totally destroyed in an accident and what you may still owe on the lease or loan on the car. The difference between the two values, or the "gap" can be covered with lease / loan gap coverage. This is an inexpensive coverage that many times is included in the auto lease or loan agreement. We have found that purchasing the coverage under your own insurance company and not having it included in your lease can save you hundreds of dollars over the course of your loan or lease. Typically lease / loan gap coverage will cost less than $ 25.00 per year, in some cases our insurance companies may even provide it in their standard policy.
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