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Archana Paneru who is also known as Nepali Sunny Leone, Archana Paneru 17 years whose real name is Kalpana Paneru from Mahendra Nagar, Little Buddha School; she is in student of Grade 10. She posted her photo in the facebook, and her interview came in youtube you can listen below. She wants to be like sunny leone and her father and mother is helping to promote her result Nepal Police arrested both of Mother and daughter![](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjT7yLbecJHSiob7iv3uIYgwCKQaYy1XAU6LURJV_R6PcBJGxtxqtNhONWal9wGJblx6FlN0vaSVT3hF4g6dlos90nAV9GU4xiNM9SssSOiHjyKXWOjJ7SObhm0WFafKBuNspKG_OLqajYl/s640/Capture.PNG)
भिडियो सहित हेर्नुहोस !
Archana Paneru's real story flashed
Reviewed by z
4:48 AM
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