But, is this true?
Vedale Hindu religion says that it is not true! There are only 33, but it is only the gods Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwar gods such as money. Upanisadama the 'divine brahmanalai the ultimate reality is called. Brahman is Brahman caste 'No,' an original god "of the Brahmin. Hindu religious texts are designed to all poetic. So this whole universe is called asimitatalai association with mold when 33 million .330 million Gods
Sanskrit language 'category' The word means two: 1. And 2 million. Type. Various works and 'traiastrinsa Dev' (33 degree) that has been mentioned, but this does not mean that 33 million is not a god, but does this mean that there are 33 kinds of gods.
This is evident from "to be vrhadaaranyaka upanisadabata. This upanisadama ancient Indus mount a sadhule attention to ancient ideas and vision describes what has been mentioned. It Vedic culture, composition, origin of the universe, including the concept of Absolute Spirit has been detailing about the other to attain.
According vrhadaaranyaka upanisadaka, Indus mountain tops to get the attention of enlightenment and divine sat between two sadhuharuko Q & A dialogue is ongoing.
"Yajnavalkya 'and' sakalya '
They say the same questions rsilai sakalya rsile yajnavalkya "God and those of many-are they?" Asked sakalyako yajnavalkya received wisdom, they varnan implied that the whole creation rsile fence, the whole universe is only one form, it is 'Brahmin' , which 33 major category (type), so that they can be interpreted in 'god' is called. God means seed 'a form'.
* Description of the book of religious and philosophical way of describing a book that shows, thousands of years ago, people understood the universe, the existence of life, when 'vijnanako had not been born. So hard for us to understand the physics and psychology now is undergoing, but also everything that the ancient people understood, that also attention. Their thoughts and vision clarity is not a synonym. *
Then sakalyale category are 33 yajnavalkyalai Brahmin ask that question. Yajnavalkya says, "Vasu 33 Category idols, 8, 11 Rudra, 12 Aditya, including Indra and Prajapati."
So, what is yo Vasu, Rudra, Aditya, Indra and Prajapati is? Sakalyale yajnavalkyalai asks:
"Katame cologne iti": - "What is this, Basu is?"
Yajnavalkya says, "Vasu said" Follow "will be. Vasudevaharuma fire, earth (land), the air, the atmosphere, the sun, the heavens, moon, star grip. It also created the world as there are, are made possible from all vasukai follow. If this were not the gods of creation would have been impossible. "
"Katame Rudra iti": - "Rudra are?"
Yajnavalkya says, "10 and 1 minds of consciousness called Rudra. When the consciousness and the mind away from the body, then there is cause distress or crying. 'Rudra' is the 'cry' is. Rudra is meeting all the creatures. "
"Katame Aditya iti": - "Aditya is?"
Yajnavalkya says, "As the sun is 12, which controls the life creatures. Or so called Aditya. Aditya is the beginning and the end is. The sun is the life and the life takes suryalai. "
"Katame Indra, Prajapati katame iti": - "Indra is? Prajapati is? "
Yajnavalkya says, "cloud and rain and lightning, the rainbow is. It is Indra Vasudev visible power. It is this power, the other force, is the greatest. It is Indra every creature has its own. Indrale understand the strength of the creatures.
The path of sacrifice and dedication 'Creator' is. When someone does the mundane and nets a sacrifice, then he only gets a Brahmin knowledge, enlightenment, and what other steps the gods honored. The way to attain the Creator. "Prajapatiko means knowledge that is objective." Maharishi Yagya
Vrhadaaranyaka upanisadama Similar things have been described. God is, God, what is characteristic, the way of God to get? The meaning of life, religion is, karma, death is? Similar things about the philosophy and principles is filled upanisada, which is very informative. Nepali headlines
भिडियो सहित हेर्नुहोस !
33 million are Hindu god says what, is this true?
Reviewed by z
4:14 AM
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