
Money found in public places, it is customary to carry secretly. But here is a busy city street, the middle of millions of rupees, besides anyone out. Here we would probably drew tachada, machadanaihunthyo This event is South Korea. Where the streets of money, nor any mouth barsida. According to a 56 year old woman in Korea News 1 9, 030 dollars NWEDC has pagan. He is also the amount the fall of amending any byaktile money. Walking passengers scattered in the photograph, but no one uthaenana money. According to police, the bomb was in a state of Korea raise money sthayani also considered theft. However, if no laws are not filled life taking money thrown know. Still, no money has hired hand | Police finally gathered the money. Women took care of the soil. The woman pulled the bank 36 thousand dollars was all over the road. All the money sent home by the police was a taxi by offering them Jomsom, my husband and son, I am afraid that the money liidinchan. They are no longer needed in the streets rather than byaktile the amount that the desire to inherit. "She told police timahilale.

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