He used the white car accident in a white car arrived veracity of the information that matched. Telephone arughatadekhi above the primitive thought, lapubesisthita prabhatakirana secondary organisms found Gurung. His school also gave information on British citizens labor and school building.
On Thursday evening, he said four foreign added. He claimed that Harry did not think that they are unaware of any abuses, he told himself bataepatakapataka asked team. "We're working on. You do not even stopped, which made me more is needed instead that, "he said on the telephone," the British Army were great people, but we cinenaum svagatacahim that all the villagers. " The group that would be Harry A team of three local five o'clock on Friday afternoon, two Gyampesal money.
Arughat arrived two and a half hours. Arughat Hotel thardastepama he had eaten. The killer of five teams that reached Thursday morning at 11 am there. Shrestha said the hotel is fame, "I called friends hyarijastai people have said to our hotel. I was taken duipherasamma Harry name. He was sitting up front from a fancy store to buy masks and chopihale home. ' His son, also a mask to buy the gift shop nearby Harry's kirtile said.
Harry, a team needing a meal and a half hours had rest. But the conclusion that Harry could kirtile. News newspaper on Saturday knowing that otherwise, Harry, who turned them to their hotel, felt remorse, lack of food eaten Harry photographing.
There arrived an hour motorcycle journey sleep. Prince Harry, there hotelier also uncertain about the team had reached sleeping. "Older people have heard that come ray ', a local hotelier dream Gurung said," but had also had himdirahane cinirahekai Guide. Tourist Could it be that. '
There is a memento of a motorcycle and a half, our team set a three-hour pedestrian. Lapubesi arrived at half past seven in the evening. The British Army's 12 schools have already lapubesisthita 11-room building was the work of making labor. They live in the guesthouse School Management Committee Chairman Suresh Gurung lapu businessman Laxmi Gurung gave that information to uncover another hotel.
We headed for the farthest. At five o'clock in the British Army team hotel after finishing the day's work really rest. Prince Harry cinihalyaum group. He was talking with friends, others sat a little high. We met the principal organism Gurung and president Suresh Gurung. They have a lot to say here ankanae Harry. They dohoryairahanthe, 'You should know this, that is, we. If we stopped and asked why do we need to do not only say a lot about the other. Bhandaibhandainan other things. '
We appreciate that British justice is clocking Umesh Pun invited to speak. He works as a free to disrupt the distarbha did not request. Our task is to work, to do things that are too good to Harry and photographing've demanded. But again and three other foreigners did not accept our request. About 45 minutes we've requested. We Bardiya, Lamjung visit Pokhara and publicity has been a rabid Harry remembered the cabinet.
They said, 'It was on a formal visit. This work is extremely personal and hobby. He do not want to come to the media completely. His desire to respect. They refuse to respect the right to ask the media to come. Earthquake great pain to his desire to labor who sat gaumlesamga. After all the media noise jhumminchan here. Distarbha is. ' They also know that without the British media has also said here.
Telephone conversations with the president on the basis of our principals and news tipayaum Kathmandu. Saturday morning we got up and headed for the same school tripalabhitrako dorm collecting news. Some rushed up the hostel are reporting another British Army volunteers came to the place and re-interpreting. Their face was kalonilo. They came to risaechan news. Pun said, 'You chapnubhaecha news. We were then thought, you left the village yesterday. Today, we have worked thaumvaripari the naparnuhola you. '
Today, we went ahead pharkanasakne team expressed concern, he said, "so today can be anything." We also angry villagers. They said to us, 'You chadidinuhola village as quickly as possible. You do not go to the village till he them. " The villagers pointed out that Saturday morning at 8 o'clock tea is also doing so we beg lapubesi. Harry Pun for personal freedom court also warned beaten.
भिडियो सहित हेर्नुहोस !
Harry followed lapubesi
Reviewed by z
6:29 PM
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