"When the government comes to the military in the village, we rushed to paschaum sinks. Nakamatrai out of the water to leave the jalasayabhitra lukchaum, "due to his own country, the host said to me restructure the lakhetieki yakiyara gatlaukale. Various water and across the river, he fell into an island. The tapule now is to provide them shelter. There I was met him recently.
As he and other parents hide their children to submerge without the noise of the water out of the nose to wear to hide their jalasayabhitra. They think that the only way soldiers can evade.
Gohisamga afraid to submerge reef? He asked that I yakiyaralai said, "at the hands of soldiers killed in the snake or crocodile killed submerge us feel comfortable."
The youngest country of the world devastating civil war in South Sudan has gone astray. Such a civil government army to devote gaummathi arson, murder unarmed farmers, men's testicles cut milkaidina, girls to rape and plunder the hospital also is inspired Jason. Insurgents are also involved in similar activities. Aid and journalists are targets of attack. Armed men entered the 67-year-old nun at the Catholic church compound there are also forcefully rape.
Due to the civil war more than 20 million South Sudanese have been chased away their restructure. Jalasayabhitra secret number to save lives is aniginti. According to the UN two years, at least 50 thousand people have been killed in South Sudan. May doubt that such statistics. But, even if the truth is that civilians have been killed in Syria as the South Sudan is undergoing. Rising hunger is making the situation even more alarming. Despite the diplomatic crisis in South Sudan to continue the circle or not media attention lately.
The first person I met when the island are yakiyara. Last May, a formal dress from the government forces had attacked their village. Some women and children were killed dagera shot. His sister did balatkarasameta. He fled to the tapusamma arrived by chance. When fleeing the clutches of death, intangible island, he found a hiding place. Opening the lee name I do not why, of course, that the readers know.
His three-year-old son banyiniko submerge reef fever and died. Eight months due to malnutrition in his son's life is also at risk. He was the son cusaumchin breast. But, what could she herself hungry. Where milk come? A sixth day he met him that there was nothing to eat.
It is unfortunate plight of the family suffering with arthritis multiplied by ten if the world's poorest countries in South Sudan now face looked sankatabare can predict.
South Sudan gained independence in 2011 in the United States to support the C ¥. Now the civil war in that country to participate in homecoming is aimed at every aspect of vandalism. Unfortunately, the same say, there is a civil war racial taken.
A city is a small market year-old boy I met, that there were nuera nations. The child was playing exactly bandukajastai akrtisamga made visible dust. Traipoda him, made from dust, machine guns were. It will be connected to the matobatai range sniper was made. He had made all by myself.
Seeing his wonderful art and the ability to go tomorrow, I thought that he would become a great engineer. His goal really is quite another. "I am armies and nations dinka Anti-women shot to kill people," the government made strong hold "anti-jatiprati expressed outrage that child.
His answer was clear why more than kill them, "because they are coming to kill us. '
When the state of South Sudan tribal violence that think we are being oriented respectively in the direction of ethnic cleansing. And, it is more prone to armed combatants, not women and children has made. Hunger and disease crisis has enhanced them.
A rural areas of South Sudan, I met a woman named yapota ninriu, before the start of the civil war was 60 pasucaupayaki rich. He lived in his own house luxurious life. A few months ago the government troops attacked his house and made him prisoner. Five months pregnant, both hands tied behind their tails, neck snare him and the house dweller ceiling hung a rope. He began the middle of. Soon, some laughing peacekeepers were hanged fall off and leave them the same. Before his house burned, the house is a bunch of clothes and warriors took lamented. To make the buyers took their two younger abducted. The sisters managed to escape the clutches of abductors escaped by chance.
That the military re-pharkielan accompanied by five children went to hide yapota noise of the pit. Everyone sat all day sinks drowned in quicksand. Ghisrimdai shore during the night out, that sleep. This order is still continuing. Government forces hiding to evade and submerge four and eight years old when his two children has been drowned.
The rest of the world do not know what this vandalism continues in South Sudan. The most helpless creature in the world today there are victims. The rest of the world is not thahapatto their lowly condition. They behornupariraheko fate as an important factor that is important Œ.
The UN report recently made public by the government forces of raping a woman who has been marked rather than wages. "The most terrible way around the world, there is the situation of human rights violations. Rape is made of terror and weapons of war. Despite the international attention it has not been able to find, "the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights says Raad al-Hussein.
Courageous efforts to help those groups involved in multistory embarrassing manner are continuing. However, the work environment is very difficult and frightening. Rahatakarmiharule relief to be involved in a great cost in suffering. Every two weeks there is going to be killed by a rescuer is. And, the UN is not enough money to relief null. The relief is urgently needed to mobilize some of the international agencies involved are preparing to return to South Sudan.
South Sudan to continue to resolve the crisis has not become concrete policy. South Sudan civil war involved in the arms apurtimathi blockaded and on both sides of the various types of sanctions imposed by the properties of the target condition is likely to be some savage. Ethnic narasanharaviruddha voices' Enough projektama prendaragastako bind zone is suggested, such a man of wealth and make them targets so long as economic pressure. In addition, leaders on both sides of the supervision of ash. If so were some circumstances can improve. "
Of course, we can not stop the world all the vandalism. However, the situation should not be released in South Sudan I am confident. When certain ethnic communities due to janmiekai murdered, raped would, amputation of the victim, hungry, stay a situation, the US power has come to support the Government of South Sudan for a people hungry when saltwater is critical, and we must do a little bit, some with vigor
भिडियो सहित हेर्नुहोस !
Defend life at the lake into
Reviewed by z
2:51 AM
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