- Nepali, but did not know. The experts are also knowledgeable about this. Balance is not easy to know. We have a / two things in mind: ·-neighbor can not be changed. It seems that how to move forward with them atmasammanasatha think that we can do nothing about the Nepalese.
This matter should also help our neighbor. Does not suppress the search of small and poor. How can we be happy neighbor may stay, he should seek. Because we have no choice.
India relations in case of doubt always remain. Such a situation seems to be the way to cross?
- I am not an expert on this subject. I have been living a long time in India. Bharti and has been in favor of the public are always Nepal. During the earthquake, thousands of people approach me the personal level. How we can help. They come from love.
Nepal's leadership also had to be able to say when, please visit our honor, reputation, freedom that overwrite nagaridinusa. I want you, we respect. Love and give us a place. But we want to live with dignity. For the self-life, the most basic thing. Conquered not live. But it is necessary to communicate better kusara. Civil daily published interviews Koirala

भिडियो सहित हेर्नुहोस !
Manisha Koirala mouth opened against India's domineering attitude
Reviewed by z
6:35 PM

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